For a few short stories and character sketches concerning Nadith,
you can click here for a bit of insight on the series.

Last Update: May 16th, 2007
SITE MOVED!! Yeah, I finally got my own domain for this baby. Anyway, I'm deployed in Afghanistan so comics will be lacking in quality a bit, but at least they'll startc COMING again. I hope...
-Jim out

July 26th, 2006
Today's my birthday! I'm still working on the next comic and finishing up that damn flash, so no updates, but I just wanted to use this space to say happy birthday. To me. It's MY website, I can do that if I want. Deal with it :p
-Jim out

July 22nd, 2006
New comic online. The flash is nearing completion, and should be up around Sunday or Monday timeframe. I've also almost finished typing up the bios for the character page, so keep an eye out for that, too. I'll post a message here when that's ready. Still gotta work on the lore pages and finish some of the missing graphics too. It'll be a long haul, but the six of you that actually read this comic should enjoy it!

Also, for anyone who wants to still watch that flash animation that I had up here as a preview can view it here.

And yes, Mark has graciously allowed me to shamelessly rip off his layout until I can get this thing on its own feet and design my own. There is no limit to his generosity! As a result, I blatantly plug his comic on the front page!!


Questions/Comments? Drop me a line!

Chronicles of Nadith (c) 1996 Jim Beverly